
이름 : 최연주
직함 : 박사 후 연구원
이메일 : ywn0709@yonsei.ac.kr
전화 : 02-2123-7608
연구실 : 대기해양모델링 연구실 / 과학관 554A호
웹페이지 : http://airsea.yonsei.ac.kr


  • Mesoscale eddy
  • Ocean Mixed Layer
  • Large Eddy Simulation
  • Atmospheric Boundary Layer


  • Ph.D (2022) in Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
  • B.Sc (2015) in Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea


  • (2022.07) Outstanding Young Scientist Award, 12th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean
  • (2020.10) Outstanding Paper Award, Graduate School of Yonsei University
  • (2018.05) Young scientist selected for PICES 2018 attendance support, The Korean Society of Oceanography
  • (2017.07) Outstanding Young Scientist Award, 9th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean
  • (2014.03) 3rd place, Computational heat fluid software (EDISON) utilization competition, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea


  • Y. Choi, Y. Noh, N. Hirose, and H. Song (2022) Improvement of the Ocean Mixed Layer Model via Large Eddy Simulation and Inverse Estimation, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. (online published)
  • H.-J. Kim, S. -I. An., J.-H. Park, M.-K. Sung, D. Kim, Y. Choi, and J. -S. Kim (2022) North Atlantic Oscillation Impact on the Thermohaline Circulation Shaped by the Mean States, (submitted to NPJ Clim.Atmos. Sci.)
  • Y. Tak, H. Song, Y. Noh, and Y. Choi (2022) Physical and Biogeochemical Responses in the Southern Ocean to a Simple Parameterization of Langmuir Circulation, (submitted to Ocean Model.)
  • Y. Choi and Y. Noh (2020) Comparison of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Boundary Layers During Convection and their Latitudinal Dependence, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans
  • Noh. Y. and Y. Choi (2018), Comments on “Langmuir Turbulence and Surface Heating in the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer”, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 455-458.
  • Ok. H., Y. Noh, and Y. Choi (2017), Influence of Pycnocline Smoothing and Subgrid-Scale Variability of Density Profiles on the Determination of Mixed Layer Depth, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 34, 2083-2101.