
[세미나] Dr. Hua Lu

March 11, 2022

Dr. Hua Lu (British Antarctic Survey) 2022년 3월 15일 (화) 17:00

[세미나] Prof. Kai Qin

March 7, 2022

Prof. Kai Qin (China University of Mining and Technology) 2022년 3월 8일 (화

[세미나] Prof. Kun Yang

November 26, 2021

Impacts of complex terrain on water vapor transfer and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau #### Prof. Kun Yang (Department of

[세미나] 김대현 교수님

November 20, 2021

MJO 시뮬레이션의 비결을 찾아서 #### Prof. Daehyun Kim (University of Washington)

[세미나] Dr. Andrea Molod

November 17, 2021

The GMAO High‐Resolution Coupled Model and

[세미나] 이해영 박사님

November 5, 2021

The observations of atmospheric CO2 and 14CO2 at KMA/GAW regional stations, their characteristics, and implications. #### 이해영 박

[세미나] 전원배 교수님

November 2, 2021

Modeling studies on chemical production/loss of PM2.5 and O3 during their long-range transport #### 전원배 교수님

[세미나] 최학림 박사님

October 31, 2021

Measurement of atmospheric halogenated compounds and the implication for regional emissions in East Asia #### 최학림 박사

[세미나] Prof. Masahito Ueyama

October 12, 2021

Biosphere-atmosphere interaction in boreal ecosystems under changing climate #### Prof. Masahito Ueyama (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka

[세미나] 권영철 박사님

October 11, 2021

한국형수치예보모델, 현업 1주년 성과 및 계획

[세미나] 김하나 교수님

October 5, 2021

스마트 에너지 전환 – ‘정보제공의 인식과 소비

[세미나] Prof. Xinzhao Chu

September 28, 2021

First Lidar Observations of Vertical Transport of Heat and Meteoric Na by the Complete Temporal Spectrum of Gravity Waves in

[세미나] 문승주 박사님

September 24, 2021

Chaos Synchronization and data assimilation #### 문승주 박사님 (서울대학교 기초

[세미나] Dr. Hanli Liu

September 17, 2021

Development of NCAR WACCM-X and Its Research Applications #### Dr. Hanli Liu (National Center for Atmospheric Research) #### 20

[세미나] Dr. Nicholas Pedatella

September 14, 2021

Predictability of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere during Major Sudden Stratospheric Warmings #### Dr. Nicholas Pedatella (National Center for Atmospheric

[세미나] 류지훈 박사님

September 10, 2021

GPM/DPR에서 관측된 전구영역 집중호우

[세미나] 황태희 교수님

September 3, 2021

Linking vegetation dynamics with watershed-scale hydrologic behavior #### 황태희 교수님 (Indiana University Bloomington) #### 20

[세미나] 송강현 박사님

June 4, 2021

Stratospheric-Tropospheric interaction and its application: Stratospheric sudden warming events #### 송강현 박사 (연세대학

[세미나] 이준홍 박사님

May 31, 2021

Implementation of the 3D Smagorinsky turbulence scheme in the ICON model and its applications #### 이준홍 박사

[세미나] Dr. Julio Bacmeister

May 25, 2021

Climate Sensitivity in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) #### Dr. Julio Bacmeister (NCAR) #### 2021년