[세미나] 이민진 박사

June 10, 2024

NOAA/GFDL Earth System Model’s Land Component Development and Applications

이민진 박사

2024년 6월 11일 (화) 11:00

과학관 553호


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Earth System Model (ESM)’s land component is designed to capture coupled water, energy, carbon, and/or nutrient dynamics within vegetation, soils, rivers, and lakes. The standalone Land Model (LM) has evolved in different versions over the last decades, with applications to problems of direct relevance to society. I will begin by describing the structure and applications of LM3-Terrestrial and Aquatic Nitrogen (TAN) at regional (e.g., Susquehanna and Mississippi River Basins, South Korea) to global scales. LM3-TAN has been used to explore the combined effects of terrestrial and climate perturbations (e.g., increasing land use, fertilizer applications, atmospheric CO2, and climate variability/extremes) on ocean and atmosphere pollution, and provided important implications for emerging environmental problems and effective mitigation strategies. In the second part of this talk, the development of a global, spatially explicit, process- based model, Freshwater Algae, Nutrient, and Solid Cycling and Yields (FANSY), will be discussed. FANSY is intended as a baseline for eventual linking of global terrestrial and ocean biogeochemistry in next generation Earth System Models to project global changes that may challenge empirical approaches. LM3-FANSY simulates suspended solids, nitrogen, and phosphorus in multiple forms (particulate/dissolved, organic/inorganic) and multiple units (yield, load, and concentration) across a globally distributed set of large rivers and in global amounts, with an accuracy comparable to other global freshwater nutrient and suspended solid models. Finally, I will discuss the recent development of a new soil biogeochemistry model, GFDL mIcrobial-MIneral Carbon in Soil (GIMICS). GIMICS integrates the state-of- the-art features of two emerging models: 1) microbial dynamics and soil physicochemical properties of the MIcrobial-Mineral Carbon Stabilization model (MIMICS) and 2) rhizosphere dynamics of the Carbon, Organisms, Rhizosphere, and Protection in the Soil Environment model (CORPSE). GIMICS also includes previously neglected processes in both models, such as bioturbation/diffusion, advection, runoff, baseflow, and dissolved organic carbon cycling. GIMICS has been coupled with the dynamic vegetation model, Perfect Plasticity Approximation (PPA), within the latest Land Model LM4. This new development effort is aimed at resolving shortcomings of the first-generation soil biogeochemistry models (e.g., CENTURY) which are included in most current Earth System Models. The first-generation soil biogeochemistry models have been criticized for their first-order kinetics that do not properly represent processes of soil organic matter decomposition and stabilization in response to changing climate and socioeconomic development.