IBS <기후 및 지구과학 연구단> 4th Venus Data Workshop / Summer Internship at PAG

May 10, 2024

4th Venus Data Workshop/Summer Internship at PAG

우리 연구단과 업무협력 협정을 맺고 있는 IBS <기후 및 지구과학 연구단>에서 주최하는 데이터 워크샵 및 인턴십 프로그램을 안내드립니다.

많은 관심 바랍니다.

4th Venus Data Workshop [Online]

PAG plans its fourth Data Workshop. This workshop will explain images at 10 µm of Venus (see the sample image above), which provides atmospheric temperature information, ~65 km above the surface. The Longwave Infrared Camera (LIR) acquired the sample image from the Akatsuki Venus orbiter, operating since 2015. The global-scale atmospheric wave is clearly visible on the Venus disk’s left half (note that Venus’s radius is 6,052 km). The source of the wave is the high mountains on the surface (1-5 km elevation), implying the important surface influence on the planet’s atmosphere.

The goals of PAG’s Data Workshops are

  1. Lowering a barrier for researchers to access recent Venus data
  2. Providing opportunities for internships (either undergraduate or graduate school students) to join PAG during the summer vacation and beyond.

*Note for the Summer Internship announcement (https://pag-ibs.github.io/jobs/2024-summer-internship/)

Date and Time: May 17th (Fri) 16:00-18:00 KST

Zoom registration


What you need:

Your camera, speaker, and microphone for online communication. Jupyter Notebook


  1. Akatsuki orbiter and its image acquisition (50 min)
  2. Handling sample Akatsuki/LIR images: Understanding the structure of the data and simple image process (50 min)
  3. Announcement: PAG’s Summer Internship opportunity (2 topics) & Job opening

2024 Summer Internship at the Planetary Atmospheres Group (PAG) in the Institute of Basic Science (IBS) in Daejeon

We welcome students to explore planetary atmospheric research activities with PAG’s members. Undergraduate and graduate school students can apply for the internship project. The initial internship duration is two months during the summer vacation (July and August) and is extendable for up to one year if the project progresses well. For successful candidates, start and end dates can be discussed later with a main supervisor. The working location is PAG/IBS, Daejeon, and a possible remote working schedule can be discussed with the main supervisor of a corresponding topic as long as one satisfies the minimum requirement of two days per week to be at PAG for the group activities in July-August. The monthly salary will depend on the following conditions: the number of days per week to be at PAG and whether you need to pay for the IBS lodge.

Important dates

The application deadline: May 20 (Monday) 16:00 KST Interview: May 21-23 Result: May 24th

How to apply & Topics of the internship projects

Find details from this link: https://forms.gle/2yvbPDLrSKMRAzuY9