March 26, 2024
Microphysics and Dynamics of Marine Fog during FATIMA Field Campaigns & Weather Experiments with OntTechU CWT
Ismail Gultepe
2024년 3월 29일 (금) 14:00
과학관 523호
In this presentation, the focus will be in the areas of the 2 topics, and they are briefly explained below.
- Marine fog life cycle will be presented by considering microphysics and dynamics effects on visibility (Vis). For this research, extensive observations collected during FATIMA (Fog and Turbulence in the Marine Atmosphere) field campaigns, including a) Grand Banks (GB) of Eastern Canada that covered a) the supersites in the Sable Island and a ship and b) Yellow Sea (YS) of RSK that included the 3 main ocean observing sites, ships, and an aircraft.
- Ontario Tech University’s (OntTechU) Climatic Wind Tunnel (CWT) capabilities will be summarized for studying fog, icing, and precipitation analysis as a function of changing turbulence and wind intensity conditions as well as temperature, and the CWT characteristics will be presented based on the latest field campaigns. This work was funded by the Grant N00014-21-1-2296 (Fatima Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative) of the USA Office of Naval Research, administered by the Marine Meteorology and Space Program.