[세미나] Dr. Lawrence Coy

March 28, 2022

Dr. Lawrence Coy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA / Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Lanham, Maryland, USA)

2022년 4월 1일 (금) 11:00

Stratospheric forecasting and data assimilation at the NASA GMAO




The realistic representation of stratospheric dynamics is now considered a crucial component of modern weather forecasting systems. Here we discuss some aspects of stratospheric analysis and forecasting, including forecasting of mid-winter polar sudden stratospheric warming events and the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation. Some difficulties with higher altitude mesospheric analyses and forecasting are also described. While many of the effects of relatively small-scale gravity waves require parameterization, newer data assimilation systems with higher horizontal resolution can capture resolved gravity waves, their dissipation, and their subsequent effects on the winter stratospheric polar vortex.