[세미나] 홍성유 단장님

May 23, 2019

Weather forecasts and seasonal simulation in a non-hydrostatic global atmospheric model

#### 홍성유 단장님 (KIAPS) #### 2019년 5월 28일 (화) 16:00 #### 과학관 553호
#### Abstract The Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS) began a national project in developing a new global atmospheric model system in 2011. As of February 2018, the 12-km Korean Integrated Model (KIM) system, which consists of a new spectral-element non-hydrostatic dynamical core on a cubed sphere and the state-of- the-art physics parameterization package, has been launched in a real-time forecast framework, with the initial conditions obtained from the advanced hybrid four- dimensional ensemble variational data assimilation (4DEnVar) over its native grid. Since the semi-real time in July 2015, the semi-operational implementation of KIM began in April 2019. Global modeling for weather forecasts and climate studies will be discussed with a focus on the stochastic approach.