[세미나] Prof. Shin-ichiro Shima

October 23, 2018

Super-Droplet Method and its Application to Mixed-Phase Clouds

#### Prof. Shin-ichiro Shima (University of Hyogo) #### 2018년 10월 23일 (화) 16:00 #### 과학관 553호
#### Abstract

Super-Droplet Method and its Application to Mixed-Phase Clouds

The super-droplet method (SDM) is a particle-based and probabilistic numerical scheme, which enables accurate simulation of cloud microphysics with less demand on computation [1]. In the SDM, the time evolution of aerosol/cloud/precipitation particles is calculated explicitly by solving the fundamental governing equations of cloud microphysics. For the purpose of performing large eddy simulations of mixed-phase clouds, we applied the SDM to ice phase cloud microphysics (paper in preparation; poser is available from [2]). Our strategy is to translate the multicomponent bin model of Chen and Lamb (1994) into the SDM framework, in which the ice particles are represented by porous spheroids. We also applied several modifications and recent updates to the elementary processes. (This is a collaboration work of S.S., Y. Sato, A. Hashimoto, and R. Misumi.) In this seminar, the basic framework of the SDM, and preliminary results of a cumulonimbus simulation using SDM will be shown.