[세미나] Prof. Saewung Kim

October 16, 2018

Air Pollution – Observational Constraints in Relative Contributions from Transport in Relative Contributions from Transport vs Local Production and Their Scientific Limitations

#### Prof. Saewung Kim (University of California) #### 2018년 10월 16일 (화) 16:00 #### 과학관 553호
#### Abstract

Air Pollution – Observational Constraints in Relative Contributions from Transport in Relative Contributions from Transport vs Local Production and Their Scientific Limitations

It is fair to say that most of the Korean citizens are eager to know exact contributions from regional transport in their air pollution problems in one number. In the seminar, we will discuss that it is an impossible to do. More importantly, a key uncertainty will be highlighted surrounding constraining reactive gas precursors in the air producing aerosols and ozone through photochemical processes. We will particularly discuss about observational constraints quantified during the KORUS-AQ campaign in 2016. The particular uncertainties we have identified are 1) substantial unknown reactive gases over the surface of the Seoul suburban area and 2) rapid oxidation of the reactive gases over the surface. We will discuss their implication towards assessing relative pollution contributions from local and transport. Finally, the new airborne observation research initiative will be introduced to improve our understanding in trace gas distributions that eventually empowering the modeling capacity and the satellite data retrieval processes.