[세미나] 박상서 박사님

September 10, 2018

Discrepancies of atmospheric compositions between model and observation

#### 박상서 박사님 #### 2018년 9월 13일 (목) 16:00 #### 과학관 553호
#### Abstract

Discrepancies of atmospheric compositions between model and observation

Studies of the atmospheric compositions are related to understanding air quality, public health, and crop production change with water cycles. To quantify these effects, several global climate models are used to simulate the global distribution of the atmospheric composition and evaluate the related effects. Although several schemes in the climate model have been improved over the past few decades, however, the results from the global climate models still have inconsistencies with the observation due to the errors from the coupled models. As a result, the effect for atmospheric compositions still remains ‘low’ or ‘medium’ confidence for climate effects. To compare the models with the observations, spatio- temporal distribution of atmospheric composition is essential information. In addition, its distribution is also divided into the total column amount and its vertical distribution. This talk shows the quantitative discrepancies of aerosols between model and observations as an example, and also suggesting strategies to reduce the discrepancies between model and observation.