[세미나] Prof. Keith McNaughton

July 23, 2018

A historical background on research in CBL turbulence

#### Prof. Keith McNaughton (Landcare research, New zealand) #### 2018년 7월 23일 (월) 17:00 #### 과학관 553호
#### Abstract

Turbulence studies rely heavily in experimental data, and that data is almost always presented in terms of dimensionless variables. Results become ‘universal’ (applicable to all flows in a specified class) when properly scaled. In boundary layer meteorology we currently have two approaches to scaling: one based on the conceptual model provided by the statistical fluid mechanics model; and the other based on concepts from complex dynamical systems (CDS). This lecture will give an historical account of how this division arose, and present some new results from a convective boundary layer using the CDS conception of turbulence.