[세미나] 강성락 교수님

June 4, 2018

Unexplored Territory between the Meso- and Micro-scale Worlds

#### 강성락 교수(강릉원주대학교) #### 2018년 6월 5일 (화) 16:00 #### 과학관 553호
#### Abstract

Conventionally in the atmospheric science, atmospheric phenomena have been studied with the three different spatiotemporal regimes of synoptic-, meso- and micro-scales. The atmospheric motions on length scale smaller than a few thousands of kilometers but greater than a few kilometers, and on time scales shorter than several days but longer than an hour are categorized as the mesoscale flows. In fact weather highly impacting our everyday lives, such as severe thunderstorms, usually belongs to the mesoscale regime. Thus, mesoscale models (MMs), which explicitly resolve mesoscale flows, usually have been used for everyday weather forecasting. In order to consider the effect of sub-grid scale (SGS) stress and fluxes on resolved mesoscale flows, MM employs an atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) parameterization. With a conventional MM, it is hard to accurately simulate natural atmospheric flows across the different scale regimes, particularly between meso- and micro-scale regimes. In this presentation, speaker will raise the issue of the research gap between meso- and micro-scale regimes in terms of both physical understanding and numerical modeling. To fill the gap, speaker will suggest a new study subject of meso- and micro-meteorology.